Bern – A Special Place for Tour de France

beautiful scenery part of Tour de France

Considered to be as the largest professional sport-cycling event in the world, Tour de France has claimed the leg cramps, sweat, and tears of many cyclists from around the world. Even people who are not familiar with what this event is, have heard the name. But what exactly is the tour and what does it have to do with the small mountain town of Bern in Switzerland? This is what we are about to find out.

Beyond Peak Performance

We’ve all seen Olympic cyclist circle around in t a Nascar-style oval track, but this is something else. There definitely isn’t a competition as grueling, physically demanding, and long such as Tour de France. To many who have heard the name so many times, allow us to explain – it is a bicycle marathon race, that is held over the course of 3 weeks, in 21 stages. What is the entire distance that participants have to travel, you might ask? 3,500 kilometers. To put it into perspective, that’s the distance between London and Egypt.

Why Bern?

a map of Tour de France Bern track

Every year, event officials determine the specific course over which the participants would compete. As the name suggests, the entire ride would take all around France; however, it isn’t uncommon for the tour to start or finish in a neighboring country. The reason for this is quite interesting – in the first stage of the Bern start, cyclists will have to ride through 184 kilometers of remarkably beautiful natural scenery, that is… filled with various steep inclines, that go through the Swiss Alps.

The impressive total distance between the start and finish of the competition is only the tip of the iceberg. Among fatiguing inclines and curvy roads, the changing weather conditions of Bern only add up to the overall difficulty of Tour de France. This Swiss city is just an overture of the sports symphony that will test the mettle of the best bicycle riders in the world.

A Few Interesting Facts About Bern

With a population of around 130,000 people, this small Swiss town is 900 years old and counting. It is preserved by UNESCO as a world heritage site; the Old City’s buildings have been preserved since medieval times and is a wonderful attraction to every visitor. It doesn’t come as a surprise that Tour de France often uses Bern as a location for various stages of this competition.

Anticipating the Unforeseen

Many predictions come into light especially when the time has come for some good old Tour de France. Sportsbooks, as well as fans, make their best guess on possible Tour de France outcomes as the cyclists embark on their journey from the first stage – bear in mind that given specific conditions, it is known that the bicycles themselves can fail at any given point. And of course, one of the most common issues riders face is a good old flat tire.

The Participants Love It

All participants in the Tour de France race love Bern. It seems that the timeless charm of this city is ideal for both rest and recuperation as well as for riding. Being a popular destination for both visitors, observers, and participants, it won’t come as a surprise that Bern will host a part of the Tour de France competition in the future.